Hand in Hand Parenting


Help For Parents of Anxious, Angry or Upset Children...

How to support your child to overcome daily meltdowns and tears

Wednesday August 30th
10:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) | 1:00 PM EDT (New York) | 6:00 PM BST (London)

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Dear parent,

Does your child tantrum or meltdown about the same things all the time?

Do they scream and throw themselves on the floor when it's time to put on their shoes?

Maybe you hear, “Why do I have to?” “I can’t do that,” or, "You have to stay with me,” at classes or playdates?

When simple tasks, like getting dressed, sitting in a car seat, or teeth brushing are a cause for daily tears or meltdowns it can feel like you are hitting your head against a brick wall...

Repeat struggles and crying can be triggering, frustrating, and exhausting...

"What's so bad about the car seat?" you wonder.

"Why is my child so cranky and clingy. Why don't they want to do anything?"

"How come other kids don't fight this much when their parents ask them to do something?"

Which easily leads to...

What is wrong with them...

or, on the tough days...

What am I doing wrong?

Sound familiar?

Please know, dear parent:

There is nothing wrong and no-one is failing.

Almost every family hits hard times like this.

And there is a simple explanation for why:

While big emotional reactions may appear unrelated...

They aren't.

Each outburst is driven by a deeper fear or and anxiety that holds a child back from fully taking part in activities that other children find fun, interesting and enjoyable.

When your request to get dressed or eat breakfast reminds them that they are going to preschool, for instance, they may fight back if the idea of leaving your or entering class alerts their anxious response.

If bath time or teeth-brushing comes before bedtime, which your child perceives as a scary moment, you will see emotions take over and result in a battle of wills, crying or anger.

Soon, this resistance becomes a default response to your regular request and others, triggered whenever a child feels uncertain, anxious or alone.

So although brushing teeth isn't a scary thing, the child's defence system responds as if it is.

And soon parents face daily battles, upsets and more.

Handling the same upsets again and again can be tiring

If you've tried keeping things light-hearted with humor and play...

Diverting attention away from whatever that upsets them...

Or trying to encourage, explain and reason why they'll be fine in the end...

and found nothing works...

You aren't alone!

Many parents get to the point where they've just had enough.

Maybe they snap and force their child to do "the thing."

Or they let their expectation about a behavior go (and then feel powerless).

Parenting doesn't have to feel like this.

Learn how to help your child shift regular upsets, aggression and crying in this free class

Join Ravid Aisenman in a free class and learn useful, supportive strategies to help shift these responses.

Ravid is a Certified Hand in Hand Instructor and trainer, who has been guiding parents in the Hand in Hand approach for over a decade.

She has helped thousands of parents deepen their understanding of children's behaviors and use kind, nurturing tools to thrive.

In Ravid's class, you'll learn:

  • Hear about how about underlying anxieties can weigh on a child and how they can rise to the surface in big reactions when you make simple requests
  • Find out why this is actually your child's most natural way to shed their anxiety and find new confidence
  • And what you can do to help this process so that you see less defiance, tantrums or clinginess
  • Understand why personality or temperament has little to do with regular crying, upset, rage and resistance.
  • Get ideas to help calmly anchor and co-regulate with your upset child
  • Discover confidence-building strategies you can use with your child everyday
  • Learn why setting limits and expectations are essential, and how to set them and hold them simply, warmly and even playfully
  • Plus, pick up support strategies for you and the rest of the family while you work on these behaviors

Parents who use the tools that Ravid will share see big changes:

Clingy children become confident. Aggressive children become open and tolerant. Possessive kids start to share easily.

And every day tasks just feel so much easier.

One parent said this after using these ideas for a week with their son who had cried and cried about bedtime every night:

"Our son is a totally different boy. He is more confident and independent. He is more social with other children at the daycare center - even the childcare worker noticed a change."

If your child is stuck in behavior ruts and you struggle to handle defiant responses and upsets without losing it yourself,

Join us and get unstuck.

How to support your child in overcoming

daily crying and upsets

Wednesday August 30th
10:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) | 1:00 PM EDT (New York) | 6:00 PM BST (London)



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“Ravid, thank you so much for all your support, guidance, and wisdom... I have learnt so much and continue to deepen my understanding of children, parenting, and myself. You have made such a huge contribution to my life, and my family’s life, and I am eternally grateful for this.'

What is the

Hand in Hand Parenting Approach?

Hand in Hand Parenting is a set of accessible, trauma-informed tools that help when parenting is hard. These tools have been used by thousands of parents, educators, and mental health professionals over the last 30 years.